How to track Google Ads Conversion Tracking for your WooCommerce Website?

  1.  Make sure you activated Advanced WC Analytics Pro plugin in your WooCommerce Website.
  2. Go to  AWCA settings > Choose Advanced Integrations Tab
    Now enable Enable Google Adwords Conversion Tracking by checking box and put your Google Ads Conversion ID and Label in below text fields.
  3. Hit “Save Advanced Options”  to save changes.

Now your Google Ads Conversion Tracking is enabled. Now whenever new purchase is done on your WooCommerce website then conversion information send to your Google Ads Account.


  • If GA and Google Ads are linked: No need to send a separate Google Ads conversion event; the purchase events sent via Google Analytics can automatically be used for conversion tracking in Google Ads.
  • If GA and Google Ads are not linked: You would need to send both the purchase event (to GA) and the Google Ads conversion event to ensure the conversions are tracked correctly in both systems.

Linking Google Analytics and Google Ads

  1. Go to Google Analytics.
  2. Under Admin > Property > Google Ads Linking, select your Google Ads account and link it.
  3. After linking, you can import conversions directly from GA into Google Ads without needing redundant tracking setups.

If your accounts are linked and integrated, the single tracking implementation should suffice for accurate reporting and optimization. Let me know if you need help with the linking or configuration!